Publications by RELY participants

The participants of the Action are encouraged to publish results and topic related research. We will inform about printed and online-publications, if possible with links or linked pdf.

COST RELY BuchCOST RELY Action book published! "Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality" with Case Studies, 30 Country overviews, future reflections and many photos. Jovis publisher

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  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2021): Contributions to a photo database of renewable energies. in: Chitea F. (Ed), GEOSCIENCE FOR SOCIETY, EDUCATION AND ENVIRONMENT, 2021. D.O.I. 10.5281/zenodo.4322 Link
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria & Magdalena Maria Bostenaru-Dan (2021): Greening the Brownfields of Thermal Power Plants in Rural Areas, an Example from Romania, Set in the Context of Developments in the Industrialized Country of Germany. in: Sustainability 2021, 13(7), 3800;



  • Roth, Michael (2019): Green-energy landscapes - solution to a dilemma. In: European Energy Innovation. Link to the article.
  • Picchi, Paolo, Lierop, Martina van, Geneletti, Davide & Sven Stremke (2019): "Advancing the relationship between renewable energy and ecosystem services for landscape planning and design: A literature review". In: Ecosystem Services, Volume 35, February 2019, Pages 241-259, ScienceDirect
  • Suškevičs, M. (2019): Legitimate planning processes or informed decisions? Exploring public officials' rationales for participation in regional green infrastructure planning in Estonia. Environmental Policy and Governance (In Press). DOI: 10.1002/eet.1836. Link to the article
  • Suškevičs, Monika; Eiter, Sebastian; Martinat, Stanislav; Stober, Dina; Vollmer, Elis; de Boer, Cheryl & Matthias Buchecker (2019): Regional variation in public acceptance of wind energy development in Europe: what are the roles of planning procedures and participation? Land Use Policy 81: 311−323. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.10.032, link to the article


  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2018f): "Contributions to WG4 outcome photographic database andcompetitions of COST RELY". In: Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii, Vol. 9, Nr. 4.
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2018e): "Renewable energy at IBA Emscher Park" in Le:Notre News 741
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2018d): "Prizes of the COST RELY photo competitions and final conference, in partnership with PECSRL 2018" in Le:Notre News 736
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2018d): "Energy landscape - Pavillion German pavillion at the EXPO 2015 Milan" in: Le:Notre News
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2018c): "Passive house in Vienna with green walls" in: Le:Notre News,
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2018b): "Wind park Danube island Vienna" in: Le:Notre News: short notice after a presentation and poster at Le:Notre conference in Vienna.
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2018a): "COST RELY at EGU Vienna" in: Le:Notre News: short notice after a presentation and poster at European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna 2018.
  • Delicado, Ana & Luís Silva (2018): "Energias renováveis e qualidade da paisagem" published on Blogue ATS, Grupo de investigação Ambiente, Território e Sociedade do ICS-ULisboa
  • Kabai R. (2018): A tájképi hatásvizsgálat módszertana. In: Módos-Bugyi, I., Földi Zs. (ed.): Mit akar a táj? Tanulmánykötet dr. Csima Péter 70. születésnapjának tiszteletére. SZIE Tájépítészeti és Településtervezési Kar, Tájvédelmi és Tájrehabilitációs Tanszék, Budapest, pp. 109-116. ["Methodology of visual impact assessments", through RE examples, and a reference to COST RELY]
  • Kruse, A. & N. Marot (2018): Glossary on Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality - The Glossary. - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK, Journal of Landscape Ecology: 7-97 (2018 - Special Issue 2) download pdf
  • Labussière, Olivier & Alain Nadaï (Eds.) (2018): Energy Transitions: A Socio-technical Inquiry. Palgrave Macmillan, eBook ISBN978-3-319-77025-3: DOI10.1007/978-3-319-77025-3: Hardcover ISBN978-3-319-77024-6, more info
  • Majumdar, Debaleena & Martin J. Pasqualetti (2018): Dual use of agricultural land: Introducing ‘agrivoltaics’ in Phoenix Metropolitan Statistical Area, USA. In: Landscape and Urban Planning 170(2018): 150-168, Elsevier. full article
  • Marot, N. & A. Kruse (2018): Towards common terminology on energy landscapes - preface. - TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK, Journal of Landscape Ecology: 1-6 (2018 - Special Issue 2) download pdf
  • Marot, Naja., María-José. Prados & Isidora Karan (2018): Energetski Pejzazi - nova rea lnost obnovlji vih iz vora energije? [Summary on the COST RELY Action]. In: m Kvadrat juli/srpanj 2018: 86-90. full article
  • Suškevičs, Monika et al. (2018). Learning for social-ecological change: A qualitative review of outcomes across empirical literature in natural resource management. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 61(7):1085−1112. DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2017.1339594. Link to the article


  • Apostal, Dean, James Palmer, Martin (Mike) Pasqualetti, Richard Smardon & Robert Sullivan (2017): "The Renewable Energy Landscape: Preserving Scenic Values in our Sustainable Future" - Routledge, 299 p. ISBN-13: 978-1138808980, ISBN-10: 1138808989 - you can have a look into it.
  • Benediktsson, Karl (2017): COST-RELY Training School about policy and planning for renewable energy. In: Tájökológiai Lapok (Hungarian Journal of Landscape Ecology) 2017, 15(2). Download the article
  • Bevk, Tadej, Nieves Mestre Martinez, Patrick Brereton, Marija Lalosevic, Milica Peric (2017): Iterative Digital Photo-based Assessment for Rural Landscape Perception: A Small Experiment from County Wicklow, Ireland. In: JoDLA – Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 2-2017: pp. 18 – 27. Link to the article
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria, Angelica Stan (2017): Case studies of hydropower renewable energy and landscape quality from Romania. In: GeoPatterns, Vol. II, Issue 2, November 2017, pp. 40-47
    © Center for Risk Studies, Spatial Modelling, Terrestrial and Coastal System Dynamics, Bucharest 2017, Link to the article
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2017): The employment of solar energy in the smart passive house. Case studies". In: "Simpozioanele CSAU-UAUIM Energia si mediul in context contemporan", "Ion Mincu" Publishing House, Bucharest, ISBN 978-606-638-171-0
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2017b): "EfdeN passive house. Romania's contribution to Solar Decathlon." in: Le:Notre News: 5th May 2017
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2017a): "Iron gates hydropower. Renewable energy." in: Le:Notre News: 2nd Apr 2017
  • Ciervo, M., Schmitz, S. (2017): Sustainable biofuel: A question of scale and aims. Moravian Geographical Reports, 25(4): 220–233. Link to the volume
  • Dvořák, Petr, Stanislav Martinát, Dan Van der Horst, Bohumil Frantá & Kamila Turečkováb (2017): "Renewable energy investment and job creation; a cross-sectoral assessment for the Czech Republic with reference to EU benchmarks", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 69, March 2017, Pages 360–368, Elsevier. Link to the articleFrantál, B., Bevk, T., Van Veelen, B., Harmanescu, M., Benediktsson, K. (2017): The importance of on-site evaluation for placing renewable energy in the landscape: A case study of the Búrfell wind farm (Iceland). Moravian Geographical Reports, 25(4): 234–247. Link to the volume
  • Margherita CIERVO, Serge SCHMITZ (2017): Sustainable biofuel: A question of scale and aims. In: Institute of Geonics, The Czech Academy of Sciences journal homepage:, MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS, Vol. 23/2015 No. 4. Link to the article
  • Marot, Naja, María-José Prados (2017): Los Paisajes de las Energías Renovables ¿Una nueva Realidad? in: Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Espanoles N.° 75 -2017, p. 709-714. Link to the article
  • Palmer, James, Vincent Vanderheyden, Gisele Alves, Georgia Sismani (2017): Best Focal Length to Represent a Landscape View Using a Single-Frame Photograph. In: JoDLA – Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 2-2017: pp. 236 - 243. Link to the article.
    This publication has won the "Digital Landscape Architecture award 2017 on Scientific Excellence“!
  • Oudes, Dirk, Stremke, Sven (2017): Spatial transition analysis: Spatially explicit and evidence-based targets for sustainable energy transition at the local and regional scale. In: Landscape and Urban Planning 169(1):1-11. DOI 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.07.018. abstract
  • Pasqualetti, Martin, Stremke, Sven (2017): Energy landscapes in a crowded world: A first typology of origins and expressions. In: Energy Research & Social Science, Elsevier. DOI 10.1016/j.erss.2017.09.030; abstract; download article
  • Rizzo, Agatino (2017): "Managing the energy transition in a tourism-driven economy: The case of Malta." In: Sustainable Cities and Society. Elsevier. Link to the article 
  • Silva, L., Delicado, A. (2017): Wind farms and rural tourism: A Portuguese case study of residents’ and visitors’ perceptions and attitudes. Moravian Geographical Reports, 25(4): 248–256 Link to the volume. article pdf
  • Stremke, Sven (2017): Energy transition at the regional scale: Building sustainable energy landscapes. In: Ilka Ruby, Andreas Ruby (Eds.): Infrastructure: Space, Ruby Press Berlin. Link
  • Stremke, Sven, Picchi, Paolo (2017): Co-designing energy landscapes: Application of participatory mapping and Geographic Information Systems in the exploration of low carbon futures. - In: Barry Solomon, Kirby Calver (Eds.): Handbook on the Geographies of Energy. Link to the book Edward Elgar Publisher Link to the article
  • Teschner, N., Rachelle Altermann (2017): Preparing the ground: Regulatory challenges in siting small-scale wind turbines in urban areas. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2017), Download


  • Boyle, Ken & Brereton, Pat (2016):"Training School Preparatory Meeting 2015, Dublin" Download
  • Fetzer, Ellen (2016): New eLecture series 'Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality'. Le:Notre
  • Frantal, Bohumil & Adam Prousek (2016): "It's not right, but we do it. Exploring why and how Czech farmers become renewable energy producers" in: Biomass and Bioenergy 87 (2016): 26-34, Elsevier. article
  • Röhner, S., Roth, M. & Tilk, C. (2016): Cloud-based Visibility Analysis for Energy Infrastructure: Investigating the Cost-efficiency and Validity as Preconditions for Practical Implementation. In: JoDLA - Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 1-2016: pp. 207-213. Available online 
  • Roth, Michael & Röhner, Sina (2016):"Fall Meeting 2015 in Dresden" Download
  • Prereton, Pat (2016): "Communal Indian Farming and Food Ecology: A Reading of" in: Editors: Alex, Rayson K., Deborah, S. Susan (Eds.): "Ecodocumentaries Critical Essays", p. 51-71, palgrave macmillan. You can either buy the whole book or download the chapter under the following Link.In the youtube fim you will also find information on that book, the author and the topic
  • Schmitz Serge, Vanderheyden Vincent (2016): "Reflexive Loops on Scaling issues in Landscape Quality Assessment", Land Use Policy, 53: 3-7.
  • Sismani G., Babarit A. and Loukogeorgaki E. (2016). “Impact of Fixed Bottom Offshore Wind Farms on the Surrounding Wave Field”, ISOPE 2016, Proceedings of the 26th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, Greece, June 26–July 1, 2016. ISBN 978-1-880653-88-3; ISSN 1098-6189
  • Stanislav Martinat, Josef Navratil, Petr Dvorak, Dan Van der Horst, Petr Klusacek, Josef Kunc, Bohumil Frantal (2016): "Where AD plants wildly grow: The spatio-temporal diffusion of agricultural biogas production in the Czech Republic" in: Renewable Energy 95 (2016): 85-97, Elsevier. Please contact Alexandra or Bohumil if you are interested in receiving the article.
  • Stevovic, S.M., Stevovic, I.S. & J.D. Jovanovic (2016): "Renewable energy sources towards social challenges in sustainable development and low carbon economy" - Book of abstracts of SENIX Conference "The Role of Social Sciences in a Low-Carbon Energy Mix", Stockholm, June 13-15, 2016.


  • M. Bostenaru Dan and D. Gheorghe (2015): Workshop summary: "Floods, state, dams and dykes in modern times: Ecological and socio-economic transformations of the rural world" in: Web Ecol., 15, 29-31, 2015,
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2015c): "The landscape of upper Arges and renewable energy." in: Le:Notre News: 12th Dec 2015
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2015b): "Energy efficient reconstruction. C.A.S.E. project at L'Aquila, Italy." in: Le:Notre News: 18th Nov 2015
  • Bostenaru Dan, Maria (2015a): "Historical approaches to water as renewable energy source. Rudăriei valley in Romania." in: Le:Notre News: 17th Nov 2015
  • Bruell, Anja (2015): "Biomass a renewable energy source? Sustainable complementary biomass (re)production through Landscape Quality Management". Thesis, ISBN 978-3-8440-3959-7, published in: Shaker Verlag, Aachen:
    Please contact Anja if you are interested in receiving the eBook.
  • Eiter, Sebastian & Marte Lange Vik (2015): "Public participation in landscape planning: Effective methods for implementing the European Landscape Convention in Norway". In: Land use policy, Vol 44, March 2015, p. 44-53, internet publication Elsevier:
  • Frantál, Bohumil & Stanislas Martinát (2013): New Rural Spaces - Towards Renewable Energies, Multifunctional Farming, and Sustainable Tourism." Brno, Czech Republic, ISBN 978-80-86407-38-8
  • Posa, P., Frolova, M., Roth, M., Kolhelb, N. & Centeri, C. (2015): The effects of renewable energy production on landscape quality in Europe. In: Book of Abstracts of the CHeriScape Conference IV "Facing Global Change through Landscape", Madrid, Spain, September 23-25, 2015: pp. 20.
  • Roth, Michael (2015): "Europe’s changing energy landscape". In:
  • Roth, Michael (2014): "Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality - A pan-European COST-Action". In: Hungarian Journal of  Landscape Ecology: Tájökológiai Lapok 12 (2): 437/438.
  • Roth, M. (2015): Participatory landscape assessment using web survey methodologies for wind farm planning on the regional planning level. In: Book of Abstracts of the European Conference of the Landscape Research Group "Energy Landscapes - Perception, Planning, Participation and Power", Dresden, Germany, September 16-18, 2015: p. 14.
  • Roth, M. (2015): Special Session COST Action TU1401: Renewable energy and landscapequality (RELY). In: Book of Abstracts of the European Conference of the Landscape Research Group "Energy Landscapes - Perception, Planning, Participation and Power", Dresden, Germany, September 16-18, 2015: p. 57.
  • Roth, M., Junker, S., Tilk, C., Haubaum, C. & Schulte-Braucks, K. (2015): To See or not to See: A Critical Investigation of Validity in Visibility Analysis for Assessing Landscape Impacts of Energy Infrastructure. In: Buhman, E., Ervin, S. & Pietsch, M. (Eds.): Peer Reviewed Proceedings of Digital Landscape Architecture 2015 at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences. Berlin, Offenbach: Herbert Wichmann Verlag. pp. 82-89. Available online
