STSM - Short Term Scientific Mission
As COST is a network activity that supports especially young scientists, RELY will offer STSM each year. They are financially supported by the idea of COST.
For more information: Download the fact sheet or contact the STSM coordinator within RELY is Serge Schmitz, BE.
New and last call! Extended Deadline 3rd June 2018
The following STSM are proposed:
- Finalizing and submitting a paper with COST RELY results to a peer review journal, related to WG 3
- Updating of our COST RELY Travelling Exhibition including Infographics
- Photo database: Analysing the submission, guidelines towards "good" and "bad" examples
Find the call complete here.
- "Development of a catalogue of relevant criteria, indicators and respective GIS-available proxy-data for assessing the suitability of landscapes for renewable energy systems (WG2)" 1 month at Nürtingen University/DE
- Daniel Herero (ES), University of Valladolid: "The systematic review and meta-analysis of empirical findings on landscape quality change through renewable energy development (WG1)". 3 month at Szent-István University/HU. Report
- "Legitimacy of wind energy planning in Europe: insights from a pan-European literature review and survey (WG3)" 1 month at WSL/CH
- Naja Marot (SI), University of Ljubljana: "Final content editing and dissemination of the COST RELY Glosary (WG4)" 2 month at University of Sevilla/ES
- Agatino Rizzo (SE): "Assessing government and citizens ambitions in the implementation of RE projects in Malta" (Host: Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, MT). This article is a result of the STSM: "Managing the energy transition in a tourism-driven economy: The case of Malta." In: Sustainable Cities and Society. Elsevier. Link to the article
- Stanislav Martinat (CZ): "Acceptance of biogas energy on the local level (Portugal/Czech Republic)" (Host: University of Lisbon, PT). Report
- Vincent Vanderheyden (BE): "Training School 2016 preparation" (Host: Dublin Institute of Technology, IE)
- Bénédicte Gaillard (FR): "Renewable energies and UNESCO World Heritage Sites. A comparative study." (Host: University of Granada, ES). Report
- Malgorzata Lachowska (PL): "Defining meaning of ‘landscape quality’ and ‘renewable energy’" (Host: Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environment et le Dévelopmment in cooperation with insitu World Heritage consulting, FR)
5 STSMs were already granted for 2015:
- Bohumil Frantal (CZ): Exploring the contesting functions of new energy landscapes (Host institute: University of Granada, ES). Report
- Stanislav Martinat (CZ): On the way to identification best and poor practices of renewable energies projects (Host institute: University of Edinburgh, GB). Report
- Malgorzata Kowalczyk (PL): Comparative analysis of wind farm planning process in Poland and Hungary (Host institute: Corvinus University Budapest, HU). Report
- Monika Domanowska (PL): Indications and tools for planning renewable energy power plants (Host institute: Swiss Federal Research Institute, CH). Report
- Georgia Sismani (GR): Impact of offshore wind farms on waves and coastal landscape (Host institute: Ecole centrale de Nantes, FR). Report