The COST Action Rely has two types of meetings:

  • Meetings of the Management Committee or Meetings of the Core GroupIMG 5847 1 group photo s
  • Meetings of the Working Groups - in either parallel or separate sessions.

Attention: Only if you receive an official invitation by the COST office, your costs will be reimbursed, according to the COST vademecum.

Upcoming meetings


  • October 4-5: Board meeting in Nürtingen/DE. Closing of the Action.

The following meetings took place so far


  • January 24-26: WG 2 meeting in Haifa/Israel
  • February 14-16: WG 3 meeting in Osijek/HR 20171005 1258031 group s
  • February 21-23: WG 4 meeting in Aberdeen/UK
  • March 13-15: Spring meeting (MC, WG) in Brno/CZ
  • March 16: Editorial Board meeting in Brno/CZ
  • September 3-9: Final COST RELY dissemination meeting at 28th PECSRL conference in Clermont-Ferrand and Mendes (MC, WG) with 2 COST RELY sessions, one closed with presentations by all 4 WG (see Innsbruck and Dresden conferences) and one open session: S.1 – Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality. Short report by Maria Bostenaru in Le:Notre 736


  • January 25-26: WG 2 meeting in Edinburgh/UK
  • February 2-3: WG 1 meeting in Granada/SpainWG 1 meeting Italy 12 2017 DSC 7900
  • February 13 - 15: WG 3 meeting in Zurich/CH
  • March 13-15: Spring Meeting Thessaloniki/Greece: all WG in parallel, including an information session on Horizon2020 by an advisor from KOWI (group photo, top on the right)
  • April 10-13: WG 4 meeting in Buc/France - intensive work on the glossary and on the first policy briefing
  • May 22-26: 2nd RELY Training School on Iceland - see call
  • September 18-20: Fall meeting: WG meeting (all WG in parallel) in Banja Luka/Bosnia and Herzigovina - photo report
  • October 04-06: Core group meeting in Gödöllö/Hungary (photo, middle on the right)
  • November 22-24: WG 4 meeting in Buc/FR
  • November 27-29: Thematic meeting on Renewable Engergies and built heritage on Paola/Malta
  • December 11-12: WG 1 meeting in Naples/IT (Best weather, as you can see
    on the third photo on the right, therefore even working does not do any harm)

WG 1 meeting 201712 DSC 7892 s


  • January 26-27: WG 4 meeting and preparation of Horizon2020 application in Buc/France
  • February 02-03: WG 1 meeting and preparation of Horizon2020 application in Granada/Spain
  • March 16-17: Liège/Belgium: WG 2 meeting
  • April 13-15: Ljubljana/Slovenia: Spring meeting of ALL WG and Action-public Core Group meeting
  • July 7-8: Rijeka/Croatia: WG 3 meeting with excursion on the island of Krk
  • August 22-26: Dublin/Ireland: RELY training school for 20 trainees
  • September 5-9: Innsbruck and Seefeld/Austria: PECSRL conference with a special session RELY, MC meeting and WG meetings
  • October 10-12: Reykjavik/Iceland: Training School preparatory meeting and core group meeting


  • March 23-25: MC meeting, parallel WG meetings, 1day excursion with appr. 80 participants in Lisbon/PT (report with photos)
  • September 15: MC meeting, Within the framework of the European Conference of the Landscape Research Group: „Energy Landscapes“ 16-18 Sep 2015 with a special session RELY in Dresden/DE (report with photos)


  • October 16-17: Kick-off, constitution of 4 WG, appr. 50 participants in Brussels/BE
